User:Jennifer Cassingena Harper

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Jennifer Cassingena Harper is the Director of Policy within the Malta Council for Science and Technology with responsibility for National Research and Innovation Strategy and Foresight. Dr Harper represents Malta at European Union level on the JRC Board of Governors, the Euro-Mediterranean Monitoring Committee (MoCo) for RTD and the FP7 Regions Programme Committee. She was until recently a member of the FP7 Advisory Group on Social Sciences and the Humanities.

She has been active on a number of EU DG Research High Level Expert Groups as rapporteur, including the ERA Rationales Group (2007), EU SCAR Foresight HLG (2006), the EU HLG on Key Technologies (2005), and the Impact Assessment Review of EUREKA (2005-6). She was also a member of the EU DG Research Mobility of Researchers (2000) and Regional Foresight (2001) High Level Groups. She is currently also rapporteur of the recently-appointed 3% Expert Group.

Dr Harper is also active in a number of EU projects and studies, including FP7 foresight projects: FARHORIZON, SESTI, INCONET MIRA, and ERAWATCH (EU Profile).

She is a graduate of Keele University, and the London School of Economics. Her doctoral research which focused on the internationalization of S&T Policy was carried out at the University of Malta and Sussex University (SPRU). She lectures in foresight within the University of Malta’s Masters Programme in Innovation and Creativity. Her research interests include International Level Foresight and STI Policy with particular emphasis on transition economies.

She was a member of the EU JRC IPTS Enlargement Futures Committee and is MCST’s contact within the JRC’s European Techno-Economic Policy Support Network. She is also active as an evaluator, project reviewer and independent observer of the evaluation process within the EU’s Framework Programme. In Malta, she is a member of the National Commission for Higher Education, the Member, National Data Protection Tribunal and Young Enterprise Malta Board of Directors.

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